A short welcome message was given by from 9-11 Chairperson, Donna Crowe. (L to R) Committee members: Debbie Mangen, Cynda Carr, guest Shane Gentry, new member Shirley Barrett, Sam Beam, Rev. Mary Hixson, Donna Crowe, Howard Hatfield, Mayor John Schott. Banner holders, Joe Schott and Neven Cullop.
Mayor John Schott said a few words to the small gathering.
Wm. Shane Gentry is a WTC survivor. He is an attorney from Shawnee, Kansas. Mr. Gentry was in the south tower when it was hit and had just made his way out of it when the 2nd tower was hit. He was very kind to come to Anthony to be a part of this ceremony and to meet with the committee. He also brought Mayor Schott a beautiful book on the World Trade Center.
Some of the many people who came for the ground-breaking.
The committee was joined by the Anthony Police Dept., the Anthony Volunteer Fire Dept, The Harper County Sheriff's Dept. and Harper County EMS.
Sheriff's Dept. Matthew Schultz, Fire Dept. Mark Pfeifer, Police Dept. Kenny Hodson and EMS Heather Bonham.
Digging in with 4 diggers and only 3 spades, and many "supervisors".
They just kept digging and digging.
Mayor Schott worries about "overtime" as these specialists dig away.
Shane Gentry brought with him an envelope of ashes that he took off his clothing that day and mixed them with some soil he gathered when he went back to NYC for the first anniversary of 9-11. After our ground was dug, he mixed his soil and ashes with ours to form another bond with that event.
John thanks everyone for coming to be a part of this ceremony.
Members of the committee did some socializing after the ceremony and visited a little longer with Shane, asking him about his experience on 9-11.
Rev. Mary Hixson, Shane Gentry, Shirley Barrett, Joshua Crowe, (son of Donna Crowe), Cynda Carr, and Sam Beam.
This is the site chosen for the memorial by the 9-11 committee in Memorial Park.
For the safety our visitors, the Sept. 11 Committee requested 1 old Siberian elm tree with dead limbs be removed. A member of the Anthony Tree Board recommended a 2nd tree be removed. A 3rd tree was removed by the city to prevent its branches from getting into the high lines. We hated seeing the trees come down, but the 9-11 committee will replace the trees when they landscape the memorial area of the park.
Howard Hatfield and Steve Wilkinson move the steel from the City lot to Howard's welding shop to begin welding the 3 pieces together.
Howard has completed the welding of the World Trade Center steel. Mark Struble, a fellow firefighter, helped him with the process.
The 3 pieces of World Trade Center steel have been welded to appear as if they were tumbling.
Gary Kane Masonry crew working to get the things just right. (L TO R) Dave McGrew, Gary Kane, Dave "Brownie" Davis.
Getting the cast stone to fit just right.
Starting the outer layer of the memorial pedestal.
This is the limestone block sent for our memorial from the south wall of the Pentagon. This also shows the space reserved for the container of soil from Pennsylvania.
Howard Hatfield prepares the base of the steel.
Roger Downing, local firefighter, helps Howard position the steel onto the base.
Howard welds the WTC steel to the memorial.
They did it!
The welding continues as Howard's mother, Peggy and others look on.
Mission accomplished!!
Laying them in place
Howard works on the frame to pour the cement slab for the towering light as a camera man from FOX NEWS focuses his camera.
FOX NEWS cameraman taking some filler shots for the story and interview they did on the memorial.
Mayor John Schott tells the story of the memorial to FOX News' Carol McKinley Brown.
The committee worked into the dark hours getting the lights for the memorial installed.
The bricks were all checked to make sure they were perfect while others worked on the lights.
The electricians and city crews position the flagpoles and hook-up the lights for the flags.
The landscape was smoothed out and dirt was hauled in to fill in the low spots.
The front-side of the east section is taking shape.
Close-up shot of inside wall.
Close-up view of inner panel brickwork.
Donna Crowe, committee chairperson, and her son, Joshua, making one last sweeping pass through the memorial before the dedication ceremonies.
Donna Crowe, Howard Hatfield, and Debbie Mangen making sure everything is just perfect.
This is a view of one of the wedges of memorial bricks.
Anthony's 9-11 Memorial; all dressed up and ready for its big night.
The Freeport Parents Group of New York donated the center flagpole for the memorial. They did this in honor of their sons who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001.
These plaques will be on the brick and limestone wall when the back memorial wall is built. They were affixed to this make-shift display.
The Anthony 9-11 Memorial Committee Plaque.
This plaque was donated to the memorial by the Anthony Volunteer Fire Department, whose members are listed.
The officers and members of FDNY Engine Company 88 and Ladder Company 38 from the Bronx, New York had this plaque made to commemorate their connection with the city of Anthony.
The families of Joseph P. Spor Jr. and his wife, Colleen Casey Spor, purchased the plaque above to be placed on the Anthony 9-11 Memorial.
The March of Heroes left from the center of town at the Anthony Volunteer Fire Department.
The Anthony Police Dept.
Anthony Fire Dept. Rescue Truck
Anthony EMS with a flag draped gurney
AFD firefighter, Chris Shurle, led a horse with its boots backwards in the stirrups, representing a fallen comrade.
Represented in the group were firefighters from four states, law enforcement and emergency medical services.
Harper County Emergency Medical Service personnel
Leading the way in the March of Heroes were five firefighters from Engine 88 Ladder 38 from the Bronx, New York.
Mayor John Schott welcomes the heroes, their families and other spectators to the Anthony 9-11 Memorial Dedication.
Atmos Energy was gracious enough to offer the use of their outdoor grill to the Anthony Fire Fighters for the hamburger and hot dog feed.
The Atmos grill along with the table of plates, food and drink, waiting for the crowd of over 500 guests.
The AFD volunteered to cook the food for the guests.
The AFD wives and friends helped out by keeping the containers filled with the drink and condiments.
The Heroes and their guests were asked to start the procession for the free food.
While others ate, memorial visitors took the opportunity to read the story boards and the engraved personalized bricks, or just visit with one another.
Lt. Joe Huber, from Engine 88, Ladder 38, the Bronx, New York, takes the time to read the story board of his friend and fellow firefighter, Joseph P. Spor, Jr., while to area CBS affiliate, KWCH, records footage for the evening news.
9-11 Committee member, Sam Beam, was interviewed by the Hutch News out of Hutchinson, Kansas.
Our new friends from Engine 88, Ladder 38 wait & patiently watch the crowd as Lt. Huber signs yet another autograph.
Pete McCluskey and his wife of Kansas City visit with their friend, Joe Huber, and 4 of his fellow firemen, Jason Papenmeyer, Kevin Maher, Greg Thomas, Jim Beltrami, from FDNY.
Donna Crowe, chairperson of the Anthony 9-11 Memorial Committee, visits with Joe Huber and her husband, Joe Crowe, while Pete McCluskey and Joe's daughter, Kristen Huber look on.
Kristen Huber signs autographs for the local youth.
Miss Carr and Mrs. Schmidt get some students ready to lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Schott and Jimmy "Bells" chat before the ceremony starts.
Entertainment during the feed was provided by the Goons, (this picture, l to r, Steve Stitt, Rollie Williams and Dennis Robinson) and Bill Starks, (next picture) Dennis Robinson also sang solo.
A group photo op of the Anthony Fire Department in front of the 9-11 Memorial.
Pete McCluskey, of the Hibernian Society of Kansas City, presented a check to the Anthony 9-11 Committee in the amount of $5,200.
Committee chairperson, Donna Crowe accepts the checks for the memorial.
Bagpiper Kevin O'Rourke
The AFD wives and friends helped out by keeping the containers filled with the drink and condiments.
The crowd watches solemnly as the flags are hoisted.
5 flags were raised above the memorial. The American flag was donated by Margaret Arce, who had received it in memory of her son, David Arce and Michael Boyle, life-long best friends who were killed at the WTC, from a congressman from Rhode Island. The Kansas flag was donated by Rep. Bill McCreary, of the 80th District. The Anthony Volunteer Fire Department's flag was flown under the Kansas flag. John Schott donated the New York state flag and the FDNY flag donated by an anonymous donor flew below it.
The school children lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Donna introduced the Anthony 9-11 Memorial Committee to the people gathered for the dedication. L to R: Sam Beam, Howard Hatfield, Cynda Carr, Debbie Mangen, Pam Schott and Shirley Barrett, Donna Crowe, chair.
Heather Bonham represented the EMS.
Anthony's Chief of Police, John Blevins read a poem.
Mr. Dick Busby singing the Old Irish Blessing, a traditional song from our local Chaparral High School.
Kevin O'Rourke read a letter of appreciation from the Spor family to the people of Anthony.
The City of Anthony was bestowed a quilt made by members of the Spor family. It included family photos and art work of Joseph P. Spor Jr.'s children. This quilt will hang in the Anthony Museum.
Rollie Williams sang "Oh Danny Boy" a capella. The ceremony was ended with the entire audience singing God Bless America.
Members of the Anthony Volunteer Fire Dept. with their new Rescue 56 truck setup two pieces of the World Trade Center steel beams, located on the roof of the truck, & displaying the new sign. Pictured are (L to R): Howard Hatfield; Tim Eaton, Darrin Meseke; Creighton Cullop; Landon Redgate; Jerry Angle and Roger Downing.
The AFD putting the WTC steel on top of Rescue 56 for the parade.
Rescue 56 all decked out. The 9-11 committee people join the guys. (L to R): Donna Crowe; Cynda Carr; Holly Weiss & Hannah Crowe.
Lunch time for the AFD. The firemen cooked steaks and pork chops on a small BBQ grill. (L to R): Landon Redgate; Tim Eaton; Darrin Meseke; Roger Downing; Jerry Angle and Creighton Cullop.
Creighton, Darrin, Tim and Jerry taking on nourishment before the parade.
"Old friends" meet again. Pam Schott gets a big hug from Joe Huber, FDNY firefighter.
Another photo opt with Lt. Huber before the long walk begins.
LtoR: Jerry Angle; Roger Downing; Chris Schurle; Joe Huber and Tim Eaton.
Joe Huber giving one of his many media interviews that he was asked to do by the local Kansas City media. This was Channel 9, the local ABC affiliate.
Pam Schott with the same reporter and cameraman giving an interview for the 6:00pm newscast.
Donna Crowe, the Anthony 9-11 Memorial chairwoman, takes time for one more picture with Joe Huber.
One section of the WTC steel with a Rescue 3 helmet from Joe Spor's station.
Anthony brothers visiting their Kansas City brothers before the parade.
Getting the truck ready for the "wearin' of the green". Darrin Meseke, Jerry Angle, and "volunteer parade walkers," Annie Beck and Chelsea Catlin.
Joe Huber's friend, Cole O’Leary. Joe first met Cole two yrs. ago at the 2002 Kansas City St. Patrick's Day Parade. They have kept in touch through email. AFD Landon Redgate and Darrin Meseke check out the recruit.
Cole O’Leary and his favorite FDNY fireman.
Joe Huber and Cole, trying out the old hook and ladder truck in Kansas City.
Overcome with emotion, this parade-watcher ran out to give Joe Huber a hug, to show that the FDNY is respected across the country.
Anthony firefighter Darrin Meseke, passing the boot collecting donations for the memorial.
The Kansas City people were very generous to fill the firefighters' boots. We realize along with the money, there was also love and respect.
This is a crowd shot during the parade route. Notice the 2 firefighters standing on the roof in the background watching the parade.
The end of the road. Debbie finished the parade before it was over! Her daughter, Chelsea Catlin and Chelsea's friend, Annie Beck, made sure she made it!
This is Debbie's son Shawn Catlin. He has been putting the engraved bricks in for us. Shawn enjoys meeting the people who visit the memorial, and his wife, Kate, is the photographer for this photo album.
While we are waiting for our guests to arrive, Morris is getting friendly with Donna Crowe.
They're here!
Justin Francis, Joe Crowe, Donna's husband, Howard Hatfield and Branson Fawcett welcome them to Anthony and Memorial Park.
Donna welcomes them and tells them a little about the memorial and how a little town in Kansas got this accomplished. She invites them to just walk around it, read the story boards and plaques, climb up and touch the steel and feel free to ask any questions.
All of them commented at different times that they could feel something inside about our memorial, like it was serene, peaceful, very restful.
It was very quiet while they moved around, reading the story boards and plaques.
They read their way around the wall.
They took pictures of everything to show their families and friends back home in Arizona.
Donna and Debbie told them about the bricks of the FDNY and NYPD people who's family members are memorialized in bricks. We like to say these aren't bricks, they are just reminders that they are people whose families miss them terribly.
These are some of our local firefighters posing in front of the memorial with the Arizona friends.